Friday, July 29, 2011

Camping Hints for newcomers

Camping as a recreational activity became popular in the early 20th century. Campers frequent National Parks, Conservation Park, Nature Parks, and privately owned campgrounds, all over the world.
Camping is a key part of the program of many youth organizations around the world, such as Scouting, Guides, and Boys and Girls Brigades.  It is used to teach self-reliance and team work.
Camping is also used as a cheap form of accommodation for people attending large open air events such as sporting meetings, caravan rallies, holidays and just for a  weekend away. Organizers often provide a field and other basic amenities.

Just getting started with all your camping gear takes a bit of planning, depending on your situation and how many people will be going with you in the group.
Do not overload your vehicles with items not necessary.  If you are going to camp near a town with shops etc, support that town and buy your food supplies from them.  This helps keep those small towns going and helps their community.

These Coleman chairs with table help save space
because of the table attached.
You only need to take another smaller table for
general getting meals ready and use the table on 
your chair when having your meal or sitting beside 
the camp fire.

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